Friday, April 21, 2023

Earth Day-2023

Being good stewards of Creation is a noble goal indeed.  My problem with what I am hearing on this day are the radical, myopic, and falsely urgent solutions that are being made for doing this.  I also question today's appeal for getting the minorities and those economically marginalized to get on board by using statements that they are the ones most impacted by climate change.  I observe and conclude that the contrary is true, and the last two years have proven this out, at least in this country.  The poorest among us have been most negatively impacted by Biden's policies prioritizing a radical climate agenda at the expense of the prosperity of the country. This is true because the poorest among have less cushion to weather higher prices brought on by excessive climate spending and inflation.  I also fear long term that the reduced prosperity in the West by misguided attempts to save the plant will stall the amazing decades-long reduction in poverty that has taken place in developing countries.  

The answer is simple- allow time (and we have the time) for solutions on the supply side of energy production to mature and for us to stop broadcasting an inappropriate and unsubstantiated climate urgency that is wrecking people's lives.  

We need to start talking more wholistically and realistically about the current climate agenda.  "Wholistically" would mean: consideration of the greening trend for the planet and probable greater food production that comes from higher CO2 in the atmosphere; negative impacts on development in the global south because of the reduced prosperity in the developing countries brought about by current climate policies; etc.   (Presently, 3rd world leaders are simply salivating over the prospect of wealth re-distribution in the name climate reparations).

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