Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 17,   5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

$3.00 per plate, children under 12 free
Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity
160 Merovan Drive, North Augusta, 29860
For directions see our website:
What is Shrove Tuesday?
Why Pancakes?
The day before the beginning of Lent is known as Shrove Tuesday.  Shrove is the past tense of the word “shrive” an old English word that means to make or go to confession.
This common act of penitence was usually done during “Shrovetide” the three days preceding Ash Wednesday.  Shrove Tuesday is also called Fat Tuesday (in French the familiar “Mardi Gras”, because on that day thrifty housewives used up the fats that she has kept around (the can of bacon drippings, or whatever) for cooking, because she will not be using them during Lent.  Since pancakes are a standard way of using up fat, the day is also called Pancake Tuesday.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the penitential season of Lent.  Its true name is actually not "Ash Wednesday" but "The Day of Ashes."  Whichever name is used, the reference  to  ashes  comes  from  the ceremony of placing ashes on the forehead in the shape of the cross as a sign of penitence.  This custom was introduced by Pope Gregory I, who was Bishop of Rome from to 590 A.D. to 604 A.D.  It was enacted as a universal practice in all of Western Christendom by the Synod of Benevento in 1091 A.D.  Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican churches observe this special day.