Monday, November 21, 2016

Prayer Vigil for our state and our nation

Prayer Vigil
Tuesday, November 22, 12:00 to 12:45 pm
Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity
160 Merovan Drive
North Augusta, SC 29860
For information call 803-341-0075
Prayers for:
our unity as a nation
continued guidance and direction of Almighty God for our state and nation
forgiveness for the ways we have strayed from the Lord’s will
wisdom, compassion and resolve of our political leaders
effectiveness of our political process to serve all the people
the poor, needy and disenfranchised
Thanksgivings for:
God’s Grace and Providence over this Nation
deliverance from the recent wind and floods
the wisdom of the Founding Fathers of this Grand Republic
safety and well-being of family, friends and community


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Christian Formation among Children and Teens at Holy Trinity

Dear Family and Friends of Holy Trinity:

I am very grateful and excited about those who have recently joined the teaching ranks of our children and teens.

Sunday School- The teachers are now Nancy Hartley, Margaret Williams and Diane Havird.  Sunday School follows the 10 am service each Sunday from 12:40 am to 12:15 pm.

Wednesday Children’s Gathering- Betty Croy has taken this on.  This takes place on Wednesday evenings beginning with supper and worship with the adults at 6 pm.  This time includes both teachings and fun activities for the children.

Children’s Church- Doris O’Neil, Amy Hane and Tracy Perdue have had this wonderful program 0n-going for several years now .  Children’s Church takes place during the 10 am Sunday service.  Our children step out of the main service to briefly have their own worship, readings and study and return to their parents for Holy Communion.

Nursery- Our nursery director is Kimber Nault.  The nursery is available Sundays during the main service and during the Sunday School time that follows worship.  Nursery is also available Wednesday evenings.  The nursery is for children ages 0 through 3.

Trinity Teens- The teens are led by Jason Nault and meet in the Teen Room after the 10 am service on Sundays.

I want to thank these teachers for their ministry to our children and teens.  I encourage all you parents to bring your children and grandchildren to these programs and allow them to benefit from what these teachers are offering to our children.

Blessings to you all,

Father Rob

Monday, November 14, 2016

Stewardship of Our Time, Talent and Spiritual Gifts at Holy Trinity.

As we prepare to look at what the Lord has for us in the coming year, it is helpful to take stock of where He has brought us thus far.  Last Sunday I highlighted what our financial stewardship looks like at Holy Trinity and where we are headed in that part of our life in Christ.  This Sunday I would like to do the same with our stewardship of our time, talent and spiritual gifts, which are those things we are doing here at Holy Trinity to grow the Kingdom of God within ourselves and in the world around us.  
As the “Body of Christ,” we participate in what God is doing in the world by being His hands, feet and voice, by doing the work of the Kingdom, and being Christ’s ambassadors.  It is a great privilege for us to be invited to participate in Christ’s ongoing healing and redemption of this world.  Some of our ministries we support with just our financial resources and through our prayers, but others involve us sacrificially giving of our time and talent for the sake of others- let me try to name them:
Anglican Mission in Gambella
Kairos Prison Ministry
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Christ Church, Jerusalem
Anglican Relief and Development Fund
Socks for Nicaraguan Orphans
Prayer shawls/cancer bonnets
Christmas Shoebox Ministry
Megiddo Dream Station
The Lydia Project
Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Trinity Seminary
Nichols SC flood relief
Adopting families at Christmas
Louisiana flood relief
Winter coat ingathering

Some of our outreach ministries above are strategic and well planned, but others are simply spontaneous and Spirit-driven.  Some ministries just happen because we are open to the Holy Spirit and are continually looking for ways to serve the broken and hurting world around us. 
We also have ministries internal to our church family through which we support and encourage one another in our corporate worship, Christian vocation, fellowship and spiritual growth. They are:
Wed fellowship supper and study
Tuesday women’s Bible study Saturday
Men’s fellowship/study
Sunday adult forum
Children’s Church,
Trinity Teens
Catechism and newcomer classes
Altar guild,
Lay readers,
Lay Eucharistic ministers
Kitchen Angels,
Meals to homebound
Treasurer, tellers, IT, bookkeeper
Daughters of the Holy Cross
Audio-visual team,
prayer teams Prayer chain;
Crisis response
Prayer counseling / Inner healing
Blessing of the Animals,  
Friday night at the movies
Pastoral Counseling
Home Communion
House blessings

These lists are probably not exhaustive, but as you can see, there is no shortage of opportunities.  Everyone at Holy Trinity is encouraged to seek those places where they can grow and serve. 
A Vision
It is the Lord’s expectation (and of course mine as God’s priest in this place) that we are all making the age-old Christian pilgrimage from self-absorption to self-giving.  By the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we are learning to sacrificially give ourselves for the sake of others.  Sacrificially giving of our time, talent and spiritual gifts for the sake of others is at the heart of what it means to be Kingdom People.  This means that we are all challenged to grow in our discipleship, understand our callings, and pick our ministries.  This journey toward self-giving is a journey toward Christ-likeness, because it is Jesus who is the ultimate giver and who sacrificially gave His life for the sake of all of us. This is our vision, because it is God’s vision.

Father Rob    11/13/16

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Financial Stewardship at Holy Trinity

How your tithes and offerings are presently used.
How do we move forward from here?
It is this time of year that we begin planning for the next year, and we will be communicating thoughts on this throughout November.  A place we need to begin is with everybody’s least favorite topic- our stewardship of money.  Below outlines where we are presently, as well as some of the visions and plans the vestry has for moving forward.

Our Ministry Budget
We commonly call this our operating budget. It has three major sub-categories.
·         Outreach budget:  This reflects our planned commitments to support local, regional and overseas ministries.  This year’s outreach budget is approximately $24,000.

Vision:  Our vision is to sacrificially grow this portion of our budget to 50% of the operating budget.  We are presently at about 14%.
·         Staff compensation and staff expenses:  The total compensation for our three clergy, including their expenses, is about $30,000.  Additionally, we compensate our nursery worker, office administrator and sexton (building cleaning) together a total of $9,000.  Ever since we planted this church in 2009, staff compensation has been recognized by our successive vestries as a critical growing edge for our congregation.

Vision:  Planning for a Future Rector.  The objective is to position ourselves to be able to call a new rector.  For a young, high energy priest with a family, a compensation package with appropriate benefits is roughly $100,000. 

Vision:  Music Director.  We presently do not have a paid music director/organist.  This places a burden on both our keyboardist and the Rector.  The challenge here is more in finding a music director/organist than it is coming up with the money.

·         Other operating expenses:  This includes everything from mortgage to youth ministry- everything else it takes to run a church.  We are tracking well under-budget on many of these line-items, but we nonetheless have a budget of approximately $96,000.  About half of that is the mortgage on our building.

You can see the details of Ministry Budget in last year’s annual report.  The account for this Budget presently has a cash balance of approximately $38,000.   

Separate from the Ministry Budget above are several other funds:
·         Facilities Improvement Fund:  We commonly call this our Building Fund. Although we budget for the maintenance of our building and grounds in our Ministry Budget (above), funds for capital improvements to our facilities are tracked in a separate account.  This fund presently has a balance of approximately $27,000.

 Vision  Road cut-through from Merovan Drive to Walnut Lane:  This will significantly improve the church’s accessibility, and it is presently being looked at in partnership with the other property owners in Sweetwater Business Park.  Father Rob represents us on the Property Owner’s Association.  We will need to raise the funds for doing this in the near future.

Vision    Kneelers.  This project is well underway.  Thank you to all who have supported this with donations.

Vision   New bathrooms:  We have had a long-standing vision to renovate the storage area at the west end of the building to provide bathrooms, showers, one more classroom and a storage/workshop.  This is one of our more long-term plans.

Vision   Re-roofing: Leaks abound.  Our Junior Warden Mike Sanders has done a good job getting the roof repaired as needed.  Common wisdom says that at some point we need to look at a new roof.

Vision   Landscaping on the Walmart side of our building.

·         Reserve Fund:  This fund has a balance of approximately of $12,000 and when fully funded will allow us to ride through emergencies and other unforeseen events.

Vision:  The vestry has a goal of building the Reserve Fund to half our operating budget.

·         Memorial Fund: The memorial fund collects gifts and memorials.  It is used as directed by the giver or as the Vestry deems appropriate. It presently has a balance of $1,400.

Father Rob, 11/6/16