we prepare to look at what the Lord has for us in the coming year, it is
helpful to take stock of where He has brought us thus far. Last Sunday I highlighted what our financial stewardship looks like at
Holy Trinity and where we are headed in that part of our life in Christ. This Sunday I would like to do the same with our
stewardship of our time, talent and
spiritual gifts, which are those things we are doing here at Holy Trinity to
grow the Kingdom of God within ourselves and in the world around us.

Anglican Mission in Gambella
Kairos Prison Ministry
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Christ Church, Jerusalem
Anglican Relief and Development Fund
for Nicaraguan Orphans
Prayer shawls/cancer bonnets
Christmas Shoebox Ministry
Megiddo Dream Station
The Lydia Project
Rector’s Discretionary
Trinity Seminary
Nichols SC flood relief
Adopting families at Christmas
Louisiana flood relief
Winter coat ingathering
Some of our outreach ministries above are strategic and well planned, but others are simply spontaneous and Spirit-driven. Some ministries just happen because we are open to the Holy Spirit and are continually looking for ways to serve the broken and hurting world around us.
also have ministries internal to our church family through which we support and
encourage one another in our corporate worship, Christian vocation, fellowship
and spiritual growth. They are:
Wed fellowship supper and study
Tuesday women’s Bible study Saturday
Men’s fellowship/study
Sunday adult forum
Children’s Church,
Trinity Teens
Catechism and newcomer classes
Altar guild,
Lay readers,
Lay Eucharistic ministers
Kitchen Angels,
Meals to homebound
Treasurer, tellers, IT, bookkeeper
Daughters of the Holy Cross
prayer teams Prayer chain;
Crisis response
Prayer counseling / Inner healing
Blessing of the
Friday night at the movies
Pastoral Counseling
Home Communion
House blessings
lists are probably not exhaustive, but as you can see, there is no shortage of
opportunities. Everyone at Holy Trinity
is encouraged to seek those places where they can grow and serve.

Rob 11/13/16
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