am very grateful and excited about those who have recently joined the teaching
ranks of our children and teens.
Sunday School- The teachers are now Nancy Hartley, Margaret
Williams and Diane Havird. Sunday School follows the 10 am service each
Sunday from 12:40 am to 12:15 pm.
Wednesday Children’s Gathering- Betty Croy has taken this
on. This takes place on Wednesday evenings beginning with supper and
worship with the adults at 6 pm. This time includes both teachings and
fun activities for the children.

Nursery- Our nursery director is Kimber Nault. The nursery is
available Sundays during the main service and during the Sunday School time
that follows worship. Nursery is also available Wednesday evenings.
The nursery is for children ages 0 through 3.
Trinity Teens- The teens are led by Jason Nault and meet in the
Teen Room after the 10 am service on Sundays.
want to thank these teachers for their ministry to our children and
teens. I encourage all you parents to bring your children and
grandchildren to these programs and allow them to benefit from what these
teachers are offering to our children.
to you all,
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