Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Christmas Message- God Has Rewritten Your Future

The Rev. Rob Hartley

God Has Rewritten Your Future

        This is the season we celebrate the Incarnation of God, the Feast of the Nativity, or Christmas, as the Church has called it through the centuries.  At Christmas we are presented with is a babe in a manger in swaddling clothes who is none other than Almighty God, Creator of the universe, who is choosing to be swaddled in humanity.  St. John the Gospel writer puts it this way, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  This is a truly radical event in human history.  It is the single most significant event for humankind since God spoke into existence this whole wonderful experiment we call Creation. 

          What fascinates me over and over about the Incarnation is that God chose to redirect human history, your future and mine, in this way.  If God had asked my advice, I would have suggested that He fix what is broken in humanity some other way.  What’s with this plan about a  baby in a feeding trough, in a cattle shed, in a small town in a backwater province of the Roman Empire some 2000 years ago!  And more than that, God has this history-altering event dependent on the faithfulness and obedience of a carpenter named Joseph and a teenage peasant girl named Mary.  God has this timeless event witnessed only by a few shepherds in the area who get tipped off about what is going on by a band of celebrating angels, and by three sages from afar!  What was God thinking? 

         How would you have advised God on this?  Perhaps you would ask God to come up with Plan B.  But to bring all creation back in union and harmony with Himself, God has no plan B… no other way….  As Jesus Himself says, “I am the Way…” 

         What fascinates me about God’s Plan (Plan A), the Incarnation, is that it re-writes all of human destiny, re-writes your future and mine, and does it so simply.  With a baby lying in a cattle trough, God provides a way for all of us to find new, eternal and glorious life in union with Him.  God, who is in the miracle business, gives us the greatest miracle of all at Christmas… He gives us Himself, His answer to our problem.

         A final fascination I have with the Incarnation is that God has taken all the initiative.  We do nothing except allow ourselves to be the object of God’s immeasurable love and redemption.  God does all the heavy lifting in terms of bringing about a new future for you and me.  When we need to find our way to Him, God instead comes to us.  How amazing!  Why this baby in a manger? …Because He loves us.  As one of our Christmas carols says, “Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine.”

         Like the shepherds and the Magi in this remarkable Christmas story, all we have to do is present ourselves before the Christ child.  Are you prepared to present yourself before God this Christmas?  Are you ready for a Christmas miracle to happen in your life?  Have you opened your heart to all this Christmas story makes possible for you?  Make God’s greatest miracle your personal, life-changing miracle.

              Rob+, Christmas, 2013

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