from Short‑Title Catalogue 13675. Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.1.
copyright 1994 Ian Lancashire (ed.) University of
Screen design: Sian Meikle; Text input: Claire Smith
The 'Second Book' of Homilies contains twenty-one sermons written
primarily by Bishop John Jewel, one of the foremost proponents and apologist for
the Protestant reforms that took place in the 16th Century English
Church. These homilies were fully published by 1571 and were circulated for
reading from pulpits throughout England. This is
Homily #14 on the Resurrection. Try your hand at reading it (below) in the Elizabethan
English in which it was originally penned (think Shakespeare). Father
IF euer at any time the greatnesse or excellency of
any matter spirituall or temporall hath stirred vp your mindes to giue diligent
care (good Christian people, and welbeloued in our Lord and Sauiour Iesus
Christ) I doubt not but that I shall haue you now at this present season most diligent
and ready hearers, of the matter which I haue at this time to open vnto
you. For I come to declare that great
and most comfortable Article of our Christian Religion and fayth, the
Resurrection of our Lord Iesus. So great
surely is the matter of this Article, and of so great wayght and importance,
that it was thought worthy to keepe our sayd Sauiour still on earth forty dayes
after hee was risen from death to life, to the confirmation and establishment
thereof in the hearts of his Disciples.
So that (as Luke clearely testifieth in the first Chapter Actes of the
Apostles) he was conuersant with his Disciples by the space of forty dayes
continually together, to the intent he would in his person, being now
glorified, teach and instruct them, which should bee the teachers of other,
fully and in most absolute and perfect wise, the trueth of this most Christian
Article, which is the ground and foundation of our whole Religion, before he
would ascend vp to his father into the heauens, there to receiue the glory of
his most triumphant conquest and victory.
Assuredly, so highly comfortable is this Article to our consciences,
that it is euen the very locke and key of all our Christian Religion and fayth. If it were not true (sayth the holy Apostle
Paul) that Christ rose againe: then our preaching were in vaine, your fayth
which you haue receiued were but voyd, ye were yet in the danger of your
sinnes. If Christ be not risen againe
(sayth the Apostle) then are they in very euill case, and vtterly perished, that
be entred their sleepe in Christ, then are wee the most miserable of all men,
which haue our hope fixed in Christ, if he be yet vnder the power of death, and
as yet not restored to his blisse againe.
But now hee is risen againe from death (sayth the Apostle Paul) to be
the first fruites of them that be asleepe, to the intent to rayse them to
euerlasting life again (1 Corinthians 15.14‑20): Yea if it were not true that
Christ is risen againe, then were it neither true that he is ascended vp to
heauen, nor that hee sent downe from heauen vnto vs the holy Ghost, nor that
hee sitteth on the right hand of his heauenly Father, hauing the rule of heauen
and earth, raigning (as the Prophet sayth) from sea to sea (Psalms 72.8), nor
that he should after this world, be the Iudge aswell of the liuing as of the
dead, to giue reward to the good, and iudgement to the euill. That these linkes therefore of our fayth
should all hang together in stedfast establishment and confirmation, it pleased
our Sauiour not straightway to withdraw himselfe from the bodily presence and
sight of his Disciples, but he chose out forty dayes, wherein he would declare
vnto them, by manifold and most strong arguments and tokens, that he had
conquered death, and that he was also truly risen again to life. He began
(sayth Luke) at Moses & all the Prophets, and expounded vnto them the
Prophesies that were written in all the Scriptures of him (Luke 24.27), to the
intent to confirme the trueth of his resurrection, long before spoken of: which
he verified indeed, as it is declared very apparantly and manifestly, by his
oft appearance to sundry persons at sundry times. First, he sent his Angels to the Sepulchre,
who did shew vnto certaine women the empty graue, sauing that the buriall
linnen remayned therein (Matthew 28.5‑6).
And by these signes were these women fully instructed, that hee was
risen againe, and so did they testifie it openly. After this, Iesus himselfe appeared to Mary
Magdalene (John 20.16), and after that to certaine other women, & straight
afterward he appeared to Peter, then to the two Disciples, which were going to
Emaus (Luke 24.13‑15). He appeared to
the Disciples also, as they were gathered together, for feare of the Iewes, the
doore shut. At another time hee was
seene at the sea of Tiberias of Peter and Thomas, and of other Disciples, when
they were fishing (John 21.1, 4). Hee
was seene of more th en fiue hundred brethren in the mount of Galile, where
Iesus appoynted them to bee by his Angel, when he sayd, Behold, he shall go
before you into Galile, there shall ye see him as he hath sayd vnto you. After this hee appeared vnto Iames, and last
of all he was visiblie seene of all the Apostles, at such time as he was taken
vp into heauen (1 Corinthians 15.6‑7, Acts 1.9). Thus at sundry times he shewed himselfe after
he was risen againe, to confirme and stablish this Article. And in these reuelations sometime he shewed
them his hands, his feet, and his side, and bade them touch him, that they
should not take him for a ghost or a spirit.
Sometime he also did eat with them, but euer hee was talking with them
of the euerlasting kingdome of GOD, to assure the trueth of his
resurrection. For then he opened their
vnderstanding, that they might perceiue the Scriptures, and sayd vnto them:
Thus it is written, and thus it behooued Christ to suffer, and to rise from
death the third day, and that there should be preached openly in his name
pardon and remission of sinnes to all the Nations of the world (Luke 24.45‑47). Yee see (good Christian people) how necessary
this Article of our faith is, seeing it was prooued of Christ himselfe by such
euident reasons and tokens, by so long time and space. Now therefore as our Sauiour was diligent for
our comfort and instruction to declare it: so let vs be as ready in our beliefe
to receiue it to our comfort and instruction.
As he died not for himselfe, no more did he rise againe for
himselfe. He was dead (sayth Saint Paul)
for our sinnes, and rose againe for our iustification (1 Corinthians 15.3‑4). O most comfortable word, euermore to be borne
in remembrance. He died (saith he) to
put away sinne, hee rose againe to endow vs with righteousnesse. His death
tooke away sinne and malediction, his death was the ransome of them both, his
death destroyed death, and ouercame the deuill, which had the power of death in
his subiection, his death destroyed hell, with all the damnation thereof. Thus is death swallowed vp by Christs
victory, thus is hell spoyled for euer.
If any man doubt of this victory, let Christs glorious resurrection
declare him the thing. If death could
not keepe Christ vnder his dominion and power, but that he arose againe, it is
manifest that his power was ouercome. If
death bee conquered, then must it follow that sinne, wherefore death was
appoynted as the wages, must bee also destroyed. If death and sinne be vanished away, then is
the deuils tyranny vanished, which had the power of death, and was the author
and brewer of sinne, and the ruler of hell.
If Christ had the victory of them all by the power of his death, and
openly prooued it by his most victorious and valiant resurrection (as it was
not possible for his great might to bee subdued of them) and it is true, that
Christ dyed for our sinnes, and rose againe for our iustification: Why may not
wee, that bee his members by true faith, reioyce and boldly say with the
Prophet Osee, and the Apostle Paul, Where is thy dart, O death? Where is thy
victory, O hell? Thankes be vnto GOD, say they, which hath giuen vs the victory
by our Lord Christ Iesus.
This mighty conquest of his resurrection, was not
onely signified before by diuers figures of the olde Testament, as by Sampson
when hee slew the Lion, out of whose mouth came sweetenesse and hony, and as
Dauid bare his figure when hee deliuered the lambe out of the Lyons mouth, and
when he ouercame and slew the great Gyant Goliah (1 Samuel 17.35, 49), and as
when Ionas was swallowed vp in the Whales mouth, and cast vp againe on land
aliue (Jonas 1.17): but was also most clearely prophesied by the Prophets of
the old Testament, and in the new also confirmed by the Apostles. He hath spoyled, saith Saint Paul, rule and
power, and all the dominion of our spirituall enemies. Hee hath made a shew of them openly, and hath
triumphed ouer them in his owne person (Colossians 2.15). This is the mighty power of the Lord, whom we
beleeue on. By his death, hath hee
wrought for vs this victory, and by his resurrection, hath hee purchased
euerlasting life and righteousnes for vs.
It had not beene enough to bee deliuered by his death from sinne, except
by his resurrection wee had beene endowed with righteousnesse. And it should not auaile vs to be deliuered
from death, except he had risen againe, to open for vs the gates of heauen, to
enter into life euerlasting. And
therefore Saint Peter thanketh GOD the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ for his
aboundant mercy, because hee hath begotten vs (sayth hee) vnto a liuely hope by
the resurrection of Iesus Christ from death, to enioy an inheritance immortall,
that neuer shall perish, which is layd vp in heauen for them that bee kept by
the power of GOD through faith (1 Peter 1:3‑5).
Thus hath his resurrection wrought for vs life and righteousnes. He passed through death & hell, to the
intent to put vs in good hope, that by his strength we shall doe the same. He payd the ransome of sinne, that it should
not be laid to our charge. He destroyed
the deuill and all his tyranny, and openly triumphed ouer him, and tooke away
from him all his captiues, and hath raised and set them with himselfe among the
heauenly Citizens aboue (Ephesians 2.6).
He dyed, to destroy the rule of the deuill in vs: and he rose againe, to
send downe his holy Spirit to rule in our hearts, to endow vs with perfect
righteousnesse. Thus it is true that
Dauid sung, Veritas de terra orta est, & iustitia de caelo prospexit (Psalms
85.11). The trueth of GODS
promise is in earth to man declared, or from the earth is the euerlasting
veritie GODS Sonne risen to life, and the true righteousnesse of the holy Ghost
looking out of heauen, and in most liberall larges dealt vpon all the world (Captiuam
duxit captiuitatem., Ephesians 4.8).
Thus is glory and prayse rebounded vpwards to GOD aboue, for his mercy
& trueth. And thus is peace come
downe from heauen to men of good and faithfull hearts (Luke 2.14). Thus is mercy and trueth as Dauid writeth,
together mette, thus is peace and righteousnesse imbracing and kissing ech
other (Misericordia & veritas obuiauerunt sibi., Psalms 85.10). If thou doubtest of so great wealth and
felicity that is wrought for thee, O man, call to thy minde that therefore hast
thou receiued into thine owne possession the euerlasting veritie our Sauiour
Iesus Christ, to confirme to thy conscience the trueth of all this matter. Thou hast receiued him, if in true faith and
repentance of heart thou hast receiued him: If in purpose of amendment, thou
hast receiued him for an euerlasting gage or pledge of thy saluation. Thou hast receiued his body which was once
broken, and his blood which was shedde for the remission of thy sinne. Thou hast receiued his body, to haue within thee
the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, for to dwell with thee, to endow
thee with grace, to strength thee against thine enemies, and to comfort thee
with their presence. Thou hast receiued
his body to endow thee with euerlasting righteousnesse, to assure thee of
euerlasting blisse, and life of thy soule.
For with Christ by true faith art thou quickened againe (saith Saint
Paul, Ephesians 2.1‑2) from death of sinne, to life of grace, and in hope
translated from corporall and euerlasting death, to the euerlasting life of
glory in heauen, where now thy conuersation should bee, and thy heart and
desire set. Doubt not of the trueth of
this matter, how great and high soeuer these things be. It becommeth GOD to doe no small deedes, how
impossible soeuer they seeme to thee (Luke 18.27). Pray to GOD that thou mayest
haue faith to perceiue this great mysterie of Christs resurrection: that by
faith thou mayest certainely beleeue nothing to bee impossible with GOD. Onely bring thou faith to Christs holy word
and Sacrament. Let thy repentance shew
thy faith, let thy purpose of amendment & obedience of thy heart to GODS
law, hereafter declare thy true beleefe.
Endeuour thy selfe to say with Saint Paul, From hencefoorth our
conuersation is in heauen, from whence wee looke for a Sauiour, euen the Lord
Iesus Christ, which shall change our vile bodies, that they may be fashioned
like his glorious body, which hee shall doe by the same power whereby he rose
from death, and whereby he shall bee able to subdue all things vnto himselfe
(Philippians 3.20‑21). Thus (good
Christian people) forasmuch as yee haue heard these so great and excellent
benefites of Christes mighty and glorious resurrection, as how that hee hath
ransomed sinne, ouercome the diuell, death, and hell, and hath victoriously
gotten the better hand of them all, to make vs free and safe from them, and
knowing that we bee by this benefite of his resurrection risen with him by our
faith, vnto life euerlasting, being in full surety of our hope, that wee shall
haue our bodies likewise raised againe from death, to haue them glorified in
immortalitie, and ioyned to his glorious body, hauing in the meane while this
holy spirit within our heartes as a seale and pledge of our euerlasting
inheritance. By whose assistance we be
replenished with all righteousnesse, by whose power we shall bee able to subdue
all our euill affections, rising against the pleasure of GOD. These things, I say, well considered, let vs
now in the rest of our life declare our faith that we haue in this most
fruitfull article, by framing our selues thereunto, in rising dayly from sinne,
to righteousnesse and holinesse of life.
For what shall it auaile vs (saith Saint Peter) to bee escaped and
deliuered from the filthinesse of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord
and Sauiour Iesus Christ, if wee be intangled againe therewith, and bee
ouercome againe? Certainely it had beene better (saith hee) neuer to haue
knowne the way of righteousnesse, then after it is knowne and receiued, to turne
backe againe from the holy Commandement of GOD giuen vnto vs. For so shall the prouerbe haue place in vs,
where it is said: The dogge is returned to his vomit againe, and the Sowe that
was washed, to her wallowing in the mire againe (2 Peter 2.20‑22). What a shame
were it for vs, being thus so clearely and freely washed from our sinne, to
returne to the filthinesse thereof againe? What a follie were it, thus endowed
with righteousnesse, to loose it againe? What madnesse were it to loose the
inheritance that wee bee now set in, for the vile and transitorie pleasure of
sinne? And what an vnkindnesse should it bee, where our Sauiour Christ of his
mercie is come to vs, to dwell with vs as our ghest, to driue him from vs, and
to banish him violently out of our soules, and in stead of him in whom is all
grace and vertue, to receiue the vngracious spirit of the diuell, the founder
of all naughtinesse and mischiefe. How
can wee finde in our heartes to shew such extreme vnkindnesse to Christ, which
hath now entred within vs? yea, how dare wee be so bold to renounce the
presence of the Father, the Sonne and the holy Ghost? (For where one is, there
is GOD all whole in Maiestie, together with all his power, wisedome, and
goodnesse) and feare not I say the danger and perill of so traiterous a
defiance and departure? Good Christian brethren and sisters, aduise your
selues, consider the dignity that yee bee now set in, let no folly loose the
thing that grace hath so preciously offered and purchased, let not wilfulnesse and
blindnesse put out so great light that is now shewed vnto you. Onely take good heartes vnto you, and put
vpon you all the armour of GOD, that yee may stand against your enemies, which
would againe subdue you, and bring you into their thraldome (Ephesians
6.11). Remember ye bee bought from your
vaine conuersation, and that your freedome is purchased neither with gold nor
siluer, but with the price of the precious Blood of that innocent Lambe Iesus
Christ, which was ordained to the same purpose before the world was made. But hee was so declared in the latter time of
grace, for your sakes which by him haue your faith in GOD, who hath raised him
from death, and hath giuen him glory, that you should haue your faith and hope
towards GOD (1 Peter 1.18‑20). Therefore
as you haue hitherto followed the vaine lustes of your mindes, and so
displeased GOD, to the danger of our soules: So now, like obedient children
thus purified by faith, giue your selues to walke that way which GOD mooueth
you to, that ye may receiue the end of your faith, the saluation of your soules
(1 Peter 1.9). And as yee haue giuen
your bodies to vnrighteousnesse, to sinne after sinne: so now giue your selues
to righteousnesse, to bee sanctified therein (Romans 6.19). If yee delight in this Article of our faith,
that Christ is risen againe from the death to life: then follow you the example
of his resurrection, as Saint Paul exhorteth vs, saying: As we be buried with
Christ by our Baptisme into death, so let vs dayly die to sinne, mortifying and
killing the euill desires and motions thereof (Romans 6.4). And as Christ was raysed vp from death by the
glory of the Father, so let vs rise to a new life, and walke continually
therein, that wee may likewise as naturall children liue a conuersation to
mooue men to glorifie our Father which is in heauen (Matthew 5.16). If wee then be risen with Christ by our faith
to the hope of euerlasting life: let vs rise also with Christ, after his
example, to a new life, & leaue our olde.
We shall then be truely risen, if we seeke for things that be heauenly,
if we haue our affection on things that be aboue, and not on things that bee on
the earth. If yee desire to know what
these earthly things bee which yee should put off, and what bee the heauenly
thinges aboue, that yee should seeke and ensue, Saint Paul in the Epistle to
the Colossians declareth, when he exhorteth vs thus. Mortifie your earthly members and old
affection of sinne, as fornication, vncleannesse, vnnaturall lust, euill
concupiscence, and couetousnes, which is worshipping of idolles, for the which
thinges, the wrath of GOD is wont to fall on the children of vnbeliefe, in
which things once yee walked, when yee liued in them (Colossians 3.1‑2, 5‑9). But now put yee also away from you, wrath
fiercenesse, maliciousnesse, cursed speaking, filthy speaking, out of your
mouthes. Lye not one to another, that
the olde man with his workes be put off, and the new bee put on. These bee the earthly thinges which Saint
Paul mooued you to cast from you, and to plucke your heartes from them. For in following these, yee declare your
selues earthly and worldly. These bee
the fruites of the earthly Adam. These
should you dayly kill, by good diligence, in withstanding the desires of them,
that yee might rise to righteousnesse.
Let your affection from hencefoorth bee set on heauenly things, sue and
search for mercie, kindenesse, meekenesse, patience, forbearing one another,
and forgiuing one another. If any man
haue a quarell to another, as Christ forgaue you, euen so doe yee. If these and such other heauenly vertues ye
ensue in the residue of your life, ye shal shew plainely that yee bee risen
with Christ, and that ye bee the heauenly children of your Father in heauen, from
whom, as from the giuer, commeth these graces and giftes (James 1.17). Yee shall prooue by this maner, that your
conuersation is in heauen, where your hope is: and not on earth, following the
beastly appetites of the flesh (Philippians 3.20). Yee must consider that yee be therefore
cleansed and renued, that ye should from hencefoorth serue GOD in holinesse and
righteousnesse all the dayes of your liues, that yee may raigne with them in
euerlasting life (Luke 1.74‑75). If ye
refuse so great grace, whereto ye bee called, what other thing doe ye, then
heape to you damnation more and more, and so prouoke GOD to cast his
displeasure vnto you, and to reuenge this mockage of his holy Sacraments in so
great abusing of them? Apply your selues (good friendes) to liue in Christ,
that Christ may still liue in you, whose fauour and assistance if ye haue, then
haue yee euerlasting life already within you, then can nothing hurt you (John
5.24). Whatsoeuer is hitherto done and committed, Christ yee see hath offered
you pardon, and clearely receiued you to his fauour againe, in full suretie
whereof, yee haue him now inhabiting and dwelling within you. Onely shew your
selues thankeful in your liues, determine with your selues to refuse and auoyde
all such thinges in your conuersations as should offend his eyes of mercy
(Colossians 3.5). Endeuour your selues
that way to rise vp againe, which way ye fell into the well or pitte of
sinne. If by your tongue you haue
offended, now thereby rise againe, and glorifie GOD therewith, accustome it to
laude and prayse the Name of GOD, as ye haue therewith dishonoured it.
And as yee haue hurt the name of your neighbour, or otherwise hindered him, so
now intend to restore it to him againe.
For without restitution, GOD accepteth not your confession, nor yet your
repentance. It is not enough to forsake
euill, except you set your courage to doe good.
By what occasion soeuer you haue offended, turne now the occasion to the
honouring of GOD, and profite of your neighbour. Trueth it is that sinne is strong, and affections
vnruly. Hard it is to subdue and resist
our nature, so corrupt and leauened with the sower bitternesse of the poyson
which we receiued by the inheritance of our old father Adam (Psalms 36.1). But yet take good courage, saith our Sauiour
Christ, for I haue ouercome the world, and all other enemies for you (John
16.33). Sinne shall not haue power ouer
you, for yee bee now vnder grace, saith Saint Paul. Though your power bee weake, yet Christ is
risen againe to strengthen you in your battaile, his holy Spirit shall helpe
your infirmities (Romans 6.9, Romans 8.26).
In trust of his mercy, take you in hand to purge this olde leauen of
sinne, that corrupteth and sowreth the sweetenesse of our life before GOD, that
yee may bee as newe and fresh dow, voyde of all sower leauen of wickednesse, so
shall yee shew your selues to bee sweete bread to GOD, that hee may haue his
delight in you (1 Corinthians 5.7). I
say kill & offer you vp the worldly and earthly affections of your
bodies. For Christ our Easter Lambe is
offered vp for vs, to slay the power of sinne, to deliuer vs from the danger
thereof, and to giue vs example to die to sinne in our liues. As the Iewes did eate their Easter Lambe, and
keepe their feast in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt: Euen so let
vs keepe our Easter feast in the thankefull remembrance of Christes benefites,
which he hath plentifully wrought for vs by his resurrection and passing to his
Father, whereby we are deliuered from the captiuity and thraldome of all our enemies. Let vs in like maner passe ouer the
affections of our olde conuersation, that we may be deliuered from the bondage
thereof, and rise with Christ. The Iewes
kept their feast in abstaining from leauened bread, by the space of seuen dayes
(Exodus 12.15). Let vs Christian folke
keepe our holy day in spirituall maner, that is, in absteining, not from
materiall leauened bread, but from the olde leauen of sinne, the leauen of
malitiousnesse and wickednesse. Let vs
cast from vs the leauen of corrupt doctrine, that will infect our soules. Let vs kepe our feast the whole terme of our
life, with eating the bread of purenesse of godly life, and trueth of Christes
doctrine. Thus shall wee declare that
Christes giftes and graces haue their effect in vs, and that wee haue the right
beliefe and knowledge of his holy resurrection: where truely if wee apply our
faith to the vertue thereof in our life, and conforme vs to the example and
signification meant thereby, wee shall be sure to rise hereafter to euerlasting
glory, by the goodnesse and mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ, to whom with the
Father and the holy Ghost bee all glorie, thankesgiuing, and prayse, in
infinita seculorum secula, Amen.