A bit about the spiritual discipline of pilgrimage… Christians continue to be attracted to pilgrimages such as this one, but why? One answer is that we are rooted in pilgrimage through our Hebrew heritage. Ancient Judaism called for pilgrimage. The destination was, of course, the Temple in Jerusalem.
Psalm 122
1 I rejoiced with those who said to me,“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
2 Our feet are standing
in your gates, Jerusalem.
But pilgrimage is different for Christians today, particularly in the Protestant Tradition, because we understand all of life to be a pilgrimage. Our destination is the New Heaven and New Earth… The New Jerusalem... and union with God through Christ. This pilgrimage is but a small icon of that. Additionally, we come to understand as Christians that we do not seek God and his healing touch as much as God comes toward us, seeking us. We at Holy Trinity should understand this better than most through our ongoing Wednesday night studies on “The Prodigal God.” But the great blessing I am experiencing is that God is very willing to come walk with me on my Pilgrimage to St. James de Compostelle.

Father Rob