Baptism is the sacrament in which we are grafted into God’s one, holy, catholic (meaning
universal) and apostolic Church.
As Anglicans we recognize all baptisms regardless of denominational
label that are done with water, teh Holy Spirit and in teh name of Trinity. The sacramental rite of Confirmation
serves as a mature reaffirmation of those baptismal vows in the context of
one's church fellowship. In the ancient
traditions of God’s holy Church, this is done by the laying on of hands by a
bishop who is recognized as being in the succession of the Apostles (“Apostolic Succession”). The bishop’s prayer over the confirmand is one of calling upon the
Holy Spirit to empower that person to live out his or her baptismal vows and
take his or her rightful place in the mission and ministry of this Church.
Father Rob